Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Riddance 2015...HELLO 2016!!!

Wow...so looking back I realized that I didn't write any posts for this blog AT ALL last year! And it's probably because I was in somewhat of a mild depression through most of the year...I was overworking myself, I put my health on the back burner and ended up with some pretty funky diseases throughout the year, I just felt very STUCK.

Honestly, I wasn't in the greatest place (emotionally, mentally, or physically)...but I worked through it in the best ways that I could and still managed to stay strong even through some of the worst times of the year.

But 2016 is very promising :) It's already been quite the whirlwind! I started a graduate certificate program at UCF, moved to Sea Lion & Otter stadium, and went to one of my best friend's weddings...all within the span of 3 weeks into the year! And I know things are only going to get better from here on out and I'm so excited to see what the rest of this year will hold!

For accountability's sake, I wanted to post my New Years Resolutions since I've done that in the past and it has helped me stay on track with them :)

-PR for one of the Jax Tri Sprints
-Start training for an Olympic race for 2017
-Lose those last few pounds to get back down to the 135 lb range/size 5 pant! Just keep up with 21 Day Fix/21 Day Fix Extreme plans
-Yoga session at least once/week
-Be able to touch toes by May, lay palms flat on the ground by December!

-Pay off credit card debts (USAA, Best Buy, etc.)
-Keep emergency fund at $1000 for the entire year

-Train Buddy 6 new behaviors this year/do an agility class with him/Pet Partners volunteering!
-Read one new book every month!
-Get Senior trainer promotion this year!

So there you have it...2016 goals! I'm rejoining Team Vortex this year and will (hopefully!) be able to make the practices to start triathlon training again and really kick it in gear!

That's all for now, but I'll be sure to update this more often! I'm planning on posting here for accountability to follow the Beachbody programs, and I'm also going to start sharing some of my favorite recipes/workouts/etc! :)

Thanks for reading!