Monday, April 9, 2012

Craziness is FINALLY dying down!

So wow...I can't even BEGIN to describe how busy the past two weeks have been absolute madness! I've barely had time to breathe, let alone BLOG!!!

But anyway, this one is going to be short, sweet, and to the point :)

Have not been working out AT ALL...such a slacker...holding off on running though because my left knee is starting to give me issues :( So some PT is in order as well as some cross training...which leads me to: BALLET TONIGHT!!! Finally hahaha I'm so excited! It TOTALLY kicked my ass, but was completely worth it!!! Can't wait to go back again :)

Other than that, my eating habits have slipped a bit and I've been eating out A LOT lately...not good for my waistline OR my wallet :(

So once again, here we go with the gung-ho attitude...but until my plate is full again (metaphorically, of course!) I'm going to take advantage of what little free time I have left!

And as far as ballet goes, TOTALLY a motivator when your tough Russian ballet teacher compliments you on your turnout :) It definitely makes me want to get whipped into shape so I might be able to do a production someday! I would absolutely love that and make it a "pointe" to get to that "pointe"... :)
haha! Get it? Get it?!'s late lol goodnight!