Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things are Looking Up :)

Since the last couple posts, things have gotten a heck of a lot better! :)

Sometimes the universe delivers a big slap in the face to you and smacks you out of your funk...and that's just what I needed! It was the universe telling me that I'm NOT the person that I was in high school anymore, and I definitely needed that reminder :)

As far as physical well-being goes, I ended up doing a lot better in the 5-miler than I thought I would so I was REALLY excited about that! And I've still been eating a lot better too; could be hitting the gym more that I have been but I've also been working a lot more than I've wanted to lol

Anyway, I still love my jobs, and I got my first "big-girl job" promotion! From Associate Trainer to Trainer at SeaWorld :) I was so excited! Very unexpected, but a very pleasant surprise :)

My next big venture is to try and purchase my first home! I've been trying to save up, pay off my credit cards, look for real estate...I know I'm here in Orlando to stay, so I would love to finally have a place of my own and stop throwing money away on rent for apartments.

So here's my list of things I'm working towards:
-Losing 12 pounds (I've kept 3 off for good so far!)
-Building up my savings again to help with a down payment
-Working towards my first 10K race
-Remembering to take time for myself to unwind and refresh :)

Breakfast this morning: Special K Red Berry Waffles with Vanilla Yogurt and Raspberries, and an ice cold glass of milk!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pinterest Win Day!

Today was my meal-prep day, and it was a great success! :)

Here are some of the recipes I tackled and the links to the pages I found them on:

I've made these home-made Clif bars before...but NEVER have they turned out so beautifully!!! :)

This was my first time trying this banana bread; can't wait to eat some this week! It smelled delicious as it was baking!!! :)

I made some skinny pasta bake for later this week! It is eagerly awaiting me in the freezer ;)

And finally, some healthy fruit cobbler! I used frozen, mixed fruit, white cake mix, and sprite and it turned out SOOOOO yummy!!! :)

Also, for my sweet tooth cravings I melted some chocolate chips and put them into an ice cube tray and put a strawberry in each one!

I also got some buffalo chicken cooked up, some chipotle chicken, bacon, ground beef, and burgers for quick meals later this week. Also some pasta salad ready to go and BOOM!

Healthy meals ready to go for a healthy week ahead :)