Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Things haven't been the greatest lately; kinda in a slump/rut...especially for exercise! Which my pants are definitely starting to tell me that I've been slacking off haha
I don't know if this semester is just catching up with me or what...but I've been feeling totally drained lately.

Trying to break out of it, but something else tends to come up to give me an excuse not to work out...not to get outta bed right when my alarm goes off...not to get ahead on that assignment that's coming up.

Maybe I just got used to one good thing after another happening, and now that things have calmed down they just seem more mundane...
or maybe I just had my expectations set too high...for a lot of different things this semester.

Disappointment is one of my biggest pet peeves...especially when I've disappointed myself in some way...but just disappointment in general really sucks. Not finishing the triathlon challenge was when this funk seemed to start off!
I haven't really been motivated to cook lately either (lack of time has a lot to do with that too) and I've been eating really horribly the past week or two...or three.

There's a lot of stuff going on that I wasn't expecting and I think that it's hitting me so hard this time because I haven't had to deal with any sort of bad news in a while!

I don't feel like I took all of the great things that have happened this semester for granted, but I definitely think senioritis is beginning to set in and I'm starting to hit the point of becoming "burnt-out!"

Time to resort back to my "20-Something, 20-Everything" book for some self-help advice :)

Until then, the next time I get my ass moving I will post it on here ASAP!