Monday, January 2, 2012

A Review of 2011: A Preview of 2012

So this post has taken me longer than I thought it would to update! Ideally, I wanted to post this on New Year's Eve...but I had a lot more to say than I imagined I did...

So here it goes!

Like any year, 2011 was definitely a roller coaster of a year...but like any year, mistakes were made, many things were learned, a LOT was accomplished, opportunities may have been missed but better things came around, and SO many amazing things happened!!!

There were extreme roommate issues which taught me that I can't be the doormat that I've been all my life; that I need to stand up for myself and speak my mind more often. That whole fiasco had so many obstacles for me; seeing one of my best friends going down a dangerous path, seeing a lot of similarities in her that I had seen in myself at one time, confrontation is NOT one of my strong points, financial instability and uncertainty as my parents and I took over the entire rent for my old apartment, and the frustration that came with the whole thing.

There were ups and downs throughout the year; rejection, self esteem issues, financial problems, many relationship issues...then there were the highlights of good grades, fun family trips, new accomplishments, proud moments (especially of Buddy!), and making new connections that are paving my future even more every day!

There were so many blessings from this year; so many things that couldn't have been me at least :) The Big Man upstairs definitely had things planned out for me this year!
Especially for the research assistant positions I got in the Cognitive Sciences Lab, the ACAT Lab, and the Physiological Ecology and Bioenergetics Lab. There are so many things that panned out better than I could have EVER imagined; most importantly the Society for Marine Mammalogy Conference. Meeting everybody that I admire and idolize at that conference definitely made me more motivated than ever for my future endeavors!

I definitely reached a point of burnout during fall semester since I had so much going on all the time, but it helped me realize where my breaking point is! And when I have too much on my plate...but I need to give a big shout out to Jesse Smith for keeping me grounded during those times and always supporting me :) He stuck around through all of my rants and tantrums haha He also made my 22nd birthday 11/11/11 one of THE best birthdays ever!!! I'm definitely lucky to have him around ;)

But this year is going to be my healthiest, greatest year ever! I've been in my slump for long enough and recovered over winter break (and also caught up on Seasons 4 and 5 of Dexter!) This semester is going to be difficult, but I think I'm refueled and ready for it: Molecular Cell Biology, Physics II, Animal Physiology, History & Systems of Psychology, and being a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Chin's Psychology of Human and Animal Interactions class (which I'm SUPER excited about! Thanks again Dr. Chin!!!) Not to mention still working for CogSciLab and PEBL!

So my BIG resolutions are:
1) Lose 10 lbs
2) Become Financially Sound
3) Reinvent Myself (in a good way!)

The little resolutions to go along with that include flossing, exercising, getting GREAT grades, not using my credit card, meditating, making more time for myself, getting a new job and/or internship, keeping in touch with friends and family more often, and there's a few more too :) But those are the most important ones so far!

Anyway, I think that about wraps it up...but I'd like to finish with a quote from one of my NEW favorite movies: New Year's Eve!

Reminding us to stop, take a moment, reflect, and celebrate :)Not just on New Year's, but everyday.

"It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps - our promises made, and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures - or closed ourselves down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight - and it will drop - let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."

So now I'm ready for a fresh start, a new semester, and a brand new year!
Watch out world, because this is Melyssa Allen's year!!! ;)

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