Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3 off, Day 4 ON!

So my mom was in town yesterday; not under the best circumstances, but it was still good to see her! I had 7:30am class, so I didn't take Buds on a run. Mom and I spent the day together and I think Buddy had a nice day off since we spent almost 3 hours at the dog park on Tuesday!

Today was a little bit of success...for some reason I felt like I could not physically pull myself out of bed...and the weird thing was that Buddy didn't even get up when he heard my alarm and that's usually when he's ready to go! So I ended up sleeping through class...again, but I did have a pretty major headache and didn't sleep well last I guess it's okay for this time... But after getting up a few hours later, Buds and I went on a run! It was pretty warm outside, so we didn't work too hard; just the usual walk/jog for about 30 minutes :)

He's coming to work with me tonight though, so he's pretty pumped about that!

So far it's been a pretty decent first week!

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