the last week was a complete whirlwind! But it was an amazing experience all around, one I will NEVER forget and one I can not wait to experience again :)
I'll start off with leaving for San Antonio last week: I got to see my Aunt Marydell, Uncle Chuck, and cousin Chuck! They treated me to Whataburger and Rudy's while I was in Texas...DELICIOUS!!! I can't thank them enough for everything they did for me :)
So the day of the swim test: I was SO was already cold outside (37 degrees...CHILLY!) and there were 10 other girls in my group...some of who had already done a swim test before, some who already worked at the park...but I was still excited nonetheless! It all felt completely surreal, going backstage when the park was closed, so early in the morning; hearing the belugas and dolphins whistling as we walked past! I couldn't believe that I was standing in one of the same stadiums that I had always pictured myself in; I was standing on the other side of the stadium this time though, about to dive into the cold water :)
Of course we went in alphabetical order, so I was up first for all of the events! I was pretty happy about that though, because then I didn't psych myself out comparing my performance to the other girls.
So the 250 ft freestyle swim went all right; I'm not sure what my time was, but I sprinted my little heart out!
The underwater swim could have gone better, but I still did decently well! I made it to the wall, but I was about 10 feet away from the platform, but I made it to the wall still! Next time, I will make sure to find the second drain so I don't go off course. It was so hard to orient myself when I felt so blind without my contacts! It was absolutely incredible hearing the dolphins and belugas vocalizing; it felt like they were cheering me on!
The 6 ft platform dive could have been prettier; I will definitely be practicing that one more before the next time I swim test :)
I did REALLY well during the surface dive to retrieve the weight! It was easy diving to the bottom and clearing my ears, but when I got to the bottom I couldn't find the dive weight!!! Luckily, I didn't panic because I realized that my eyesight was terrible without my contacts, especially underwater haha so I used my instincts and felt my way around the bottom and I FINALLY found it! Got back to the surface and held it over my head like a trophy! ;)
After that came the "microphone" spiel which I did really well at too! I think it was my best performance during the entire swim test...even though it had nothing to do with swimming ;) hahaha
Last was the 5 minute water tread; which was surprisingly easier than I expected! I guess I never really realized how buoyant you are in the water and it was a nice surprise!
Then they announced that everyone passed the swim test part!!! I couldn't believe that I passed on my first try :) I was elated! Even though I didn't get the position, it was my childhood dream come true :) I can't wait until I can do it again and be more prepared than ever for my interview! That part didn't go so well...I was so nervous and still so cold that it was one of my worst interviews...I was babbling and talking in circles...I was so disappointed in myself! But the questions they asked I was not expecting at all, so now I know what to expect for next time :)
But as luck would have I was heading back from the swim test, and I got the call from San Diego offering me the position with SAIC in Kings Bay as an assistant marine mammal trainer!!! I accepted and now I will have a full-time job after my internship!
...which unfortunately requires me going absolutely broke breaking my lease here and having to move into a new place...but I have my amazingly wonderful parents to thank for bailing me out...again...I can't wait until I can get back on my feet again.
After this year, things finally started turning around :)
2013 is going to be the year that I get back on my feet again: healthfully, financially, and responsibly...and socially!
I know this job isn't going to be easy, but I know that it is going to be an amazing experience and a chance for a fresh start. This has been one hell of a year, but it has made me stronger than I could have ever imagined and I know that is going to help me in the long run :) It definitely makes me appreciate the blessings that I have in my life and I couldn't be more thankful<3
Here's a sweet article about the base I'll be stationed at!