So today I treated myself to a beginner/intermediate adult open ballet class at the Orlando Ballet School! :) I figure for only $10 and being able to head over there right after work, it will be a nice treat to try and keep me on track for working out and getting back in dancing shape! My goal is that two years from now in 2014 I will be able to dance on pointe again!!! That means a lot of stretching, a lot of yoga, a lot of patience, and A LOT of hard work hahaha
Anyway, the class was GREAT! The instructor, Nick, was awesome and tailored the lessons to our own ability levels so that we weren't bored or pushed too much! They have the classes Tuesday and Thursday nights, so I think this will be a nice treat for me once a week or so :)
Overall, today was AMAZING!!! I got to be a part of a lot of dolphin research today, INCLUDING a marine mammal/research team meeting! It blew my mind to hear about all of the projects they have done, are doing, or will be doing in the near future and then listening to the concerns of the teams, hearing them come up with solutions, and then seeing some of their changes put to action! BAH! It was just so totally awesome. That's about all I can say!
And on top of that, getting to go out to lunch today with the team and then trying mango-key lime pie for Barb's early birthday celebration...DELISH!
As far as food goes, I did really well today! A waffle with cheese and an egg this morning, iced coffee before work, broccoli cheddar soup and a California club at TGIFridays with a Dr. Pepper to drink, and then I didn't really have a dinner, but I did have a before bedtime snack (1/2 and English muffin with almond butter and a pear with cinnamon sprinkled on top!)
I also baked some blueberry muffins tonight for snacks in the days ahead...maybe even breakfast tomorrow! ;)