Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Riddance 2015...HELLO 2016!!!

Wow...so looking back I realized that I didn't write any posts for this blog AT ALL last year! And it's probably because I was in somewhat of a mild depression through most of the year...I was overworking myself, I put my health on the back burner and ended up with some pretty funky diseases throughout the year, I just felt very STUCK.

Honestly, I wasn't in the greatest place (emotionally, mentally, or physically)...but I worked through it in the best ways that I could and still managed to stay strong even through some of the worst times of the year.

But 2016 is very promising :) It's already been quite the whirlwind! I started a graduate certificate program at UCF, moved to Sea Lion & Otter stadium, and went to one of my best friend's weddings...all within the span of 3 weeks into the year! And I know things are only going to get better from here on out and I'm so excited to see what the rest of this year will hold!

For accountability's sake, I wanted to post my New Years Resolutions since I've done that in the past and it has helped me stay on track with them :)

-PR for one of the Jax Tri Sprints
-Start training for an Olympic race for 2017
-Lose those last few pounds to get back down to the 135 lb range/size 5 pant! Just keep up with 21 Day Fix/21 Day Fix Extreme plans
-Yoga session at least once/week
-Be able to touch toes by May, lay palms flat on the ground by December!

-Pay off credit card debts (USAA, Best Buy, etc.)
-Keep emergency fund at $1000 for the entire year

-Train Buddy 6 new behaviors this year/do an agility class with him/Pet Partners volunteering!
-Read one new book every month!
-Get Senior trainer promotion this year!

So there you have it...2016 goals! I'm rejoining Team Vortex this year and will (hopefully!) be able to make the practices to start triathlon training again and really kick it in gear!

That's all for now, but I'll be sure to update this more often! I'm planning on posting here for accountability to follow the Beachbody programs, and I'm also going to start sharing some of my favorite recipes/workouts/etc! :)

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Getting Resolution Ready!

So instead of waiting for the new year, I figured the month of December was a good time to start easing into transition for my planned New Year's Resolutions :)

A few things are helping me with that! As far as fitness is concerned, my mom bought me an UP band which is SO COOL!!! It was definitely on my Christmas list and she got it for me as an early present :)

Next, I have FINALLY found a place to play indoor volleyball at!!! The Downtown YMCA is SO nice and they have open gym play on Sun/Mon/Tues/Thurs, so I should be able to go AT LEAST one day a week...but I'll probably try for two ;)

At the start of the new year, I have also decided to drop down my work hours; since I've been averaging between 48-56 hours per week, I haven't made enough time for myself. So I am going to have a regular 40-ish hours per week...which means I will have two FULL days off every week! That way I can dedicate more time to taking care of myself and enjoying myself instead of having to do all of my chores on my only day off every week, because that is no fun :(

Finally, I have decided to get more involved in my faith again. I have asked for Sundays off from both of my jobs, so that I can have time to go to church. I went today for the first time in many many months, and it really does make me feel better about life :) It's inspirational and hopeful, especially around this time of year with the holidays approaching and Christmas almost here! Being in church reminds me of middle school and high school, when times were much simpler than they are now, when I was involved with youth group and church retreats and dedicated in my faith. I miss the community feeling of church too :) It's nice to meet people outside of work and get to meet people that live in your area; I recognized a few people from the YMCA while I was there today!

So starting this new journey to the "best version of myself" as was stated during mass today; that really stuck with me and I have a good feeling about ending this year on a good note, and starting 2015 with high hopes!!! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Your lips are movin'

It's been such a rollercoaster of emotions this year; from REALLY good, to pretty bad...but overall, 2014 has been my year.

The year my dream came true and I get the chance to work with killer whales.

The year I moved back to my favorite city, Orlando.

The year I got to go to EVERY single home game for UCF football.

The year I realized that I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be.

The year I pushed myself and struggled through, only to find that I was my biggest obstacle.

The year I proved them all wrong.

The year I became truly happy with myself and my life; all I need is a roof over my head, a family who supports me, a dog that loves me unconditionally, and a job that I love.

The year I decided to overcome the mental blocks that have held me back for so long.

The year I understood that setbacks are temporary, and as long as you have the determination to overcome them, you WILL. Just be patient and strong.

The year I discovered more about myself than I have since college.

This year was a blessing, one that I have taken for granted for quite some time.
Now that I've come this far, it's time to branch out and not stay so focused on JUST my career...of course I'll keep working to excel, but I need to remember that there's a lot more that I'm missing out on my working myself too hard.
I need to remember to enjoy life outside of work, life outside of home...to get out there and take advantage of all the amazing places and experiences offered here. Get more involved in the community; and hopefully I'll have a place of my own; a home :)

With the holidays getting near, I'm reminded to give thanks for all of the blessings in my life :) It's my favorite time of year, with the joyous music, the beautiful decorations throughout the parks, the holiday spirit emanating through everyone's smiles :)
And with the end of the year approaching, I always love reflecting on how far I've come, what I've done, who I've met, places I've been...and getting ready for the brand new year ahead! A fresh start, a time to renew resolutions and commend yourself for the ones you finished last year...a clean slate :)

Today was a new day for me, and I made the most of it with making better choices and positive thoughts. Here's to an even better tomorrow <3

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Backslide...

For anyone who watches the show, New Girl, you've probably heard the term "backslide" used before.
It's a term used for when you revert back to bad habits/decisions/mistakes you've made in the past and are about to repeat them or already have...
This last week was my backslide: it was my birthday week, turning 25, a little nostalgic and feeling unfulfilled for a brief moment just thinking of my "quarter life crisis" haha that already caused me to be in a little bit of a funk, but cheating on workouts and food didn't make me feel much better about it, but it was easier at the time.

And after this weekend, I faced rejection again. And I'd like to think that it's not because of telling someone about who I used to be and what happened to me in high school, but it's hard not to think that when you tell someone about it that you thought you could trust. Now in left hearing the voice in my head again saying, "Nobody is going to want you because you'll always be broken."
And as much as i don't want to believe it, it's hard not to when that's the only thing you can think ofat changed :(

But it's all been an excuse for me the past two weeks, and I need to stop using it as a crutch...right now i need to focus on myself and stop focusing on what other people may think of me or how they make me feel.
I was doing better before letting this get to me, so I just need to get back to that state of mind again :)

Last UCF home game of the season is this Saturday so I need to focus on that and having fun and forgetting all of the negative :)

Here's to keeping your head up!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things are Looking Up :)

Since the last couple posts, things have gotten a heck of a lot better! :)

Sometimes the universe delivers a big slap in the face to you and smacks you out of your funk...and that's just what I needed! It was the universe telling me that I'm NOT the person that I was in high school anymore, and I definitely needed that reminder :)

As far as physical well-being goes, I ended up doing a lot better in the 5-miler than I thought I would so I was REALLY excited about that! And I've still been eating a lot better too; could be hitting the gym more that I have been but I've also been working a lot more than I've wanted to lol

Anyway, I still love my jobs, and I got my first "big-girl job" promotion! From Associate Trainer to Trainer at SeaWorld :) I was so excited! Very unexpected, but a very pleasant surprise :)

My next big venture is to try and purchase my first home! I've been trying to save up, pay off my credit cards, look for real estate...I know I'm here in Orlando to stay, so I would love to finally have a place of my own and stop throwing money away on rent for apartments.

So here's my list of things I'm working towards:
-Losing 12 pounds (I've kept 3 off for good so far!)
-Building up my savings again to help with a down payment
-Working towards my first 10K race
-Remembering to take time for myself to unwind and refresh :)

Breakfast this morning: Special K Red Berry Waffles with Vanilla Yogurt and Raspberries, and an ice cold glass of milk!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pinterest Win Day!

Today was my meal-prep day, and it was a great success! :)

Here are some of the recipes I tackled and the links to the pages I found them on:

I've made these home-made Clif bars before...but NEVER have they turned out so beautifully!!! :)


This was my first time trying this banana bread; can't wait to eat some this week! It smelled delicious as it was baking!!! :)


I made some skinny pasta bake for later this week! It is eagerly awaiting me in the freezer ;)


And finally, some healthy fruit cobbler! I used frozen, mixed fruit, white cake mix, and sprite and it turned out SOOOOO yummy!!! :)

Also, for my sweet tooth cravings I melted some chocolate chips and put them into an ice cube tray and put a strawberry in each one!

I also got some buffalo chicken cooked up, some chipotle chicken, bacon, ground beef, and burgers for quick meals later this week. Also some pasta salad ready to go and BOOM!

Healthy meals ready to go for a healthy week ahead :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Shake it out

Early morning run? Check!
Awesome breakfast?? Check!
Rewarding mysf my catching up on the new episode of Once Upon a Time...? CHECK!!! :)

Great day today...feeling pretty good :)